Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Ok, here are the "final" pics.  Obviously still need some work to get into Peak Condition, but a huge improvement nonetheless.  First, let's revisit Day 1:

Hmm, pretty nice...but to really appreciate the belly you've got to see it from the side:

Impressive!  I could actually sit in a chair and rest my drink on my belly without it spilling.  Now for the Day 90 comparison pics:

And the side view:

No six pack yet, but we're getting there.  By the time I turn 40 in September, I expect to be in the best shape of my life.  Thanks again Patrick, Chen and all you other PCP'ers!

Day ?? - The Final Post

I've been pretty slack in getting this final post written, which I guess reflects the "conclusion" to my PCP in general.  I'm sad to admit I missed most of the fun the final 2 weeks because my job just keeps piling on the shit for me to deal with to the point of squeezing everything else out of my life.  I was able to maintain the diet pretty consistently throughout the program, but finding time to exercise even 30 minutes a day was sometimes an impossibility.  Obviously this is reflected in my final results, which are definitely pleasing but not as mind-blowing as I was hoping for at the outset.

So, what were the results?  I don't have one of those fancy scales that tells me fat% and body age and all that good stuff (just ordered one though for the post-PCP life), just an old bathroom scale that gives weight and is not very accurate but can be used to monitor trends to make sure things are moving in the right direction.  According to that old clunker, I weighed 178 lbs on Day 1 and 159 lbs on Day 90.  I think these weights are probably 10 lbs lighter than they should be, but no matter what they actual value is I did manage to lose 19 lbs during the course of the PCP.  But more importantly than numbers, I look better, feel better, fit into my clothes better (except for the pants I had to get rid of because they are now way too big) and have gotten compliments from many people about how great I look.  All of this is great motivation to keep up the lifestyle post-completion.

One thing that I definitely did not expect when I started PCP is that it has really made me hate my job.  With a passion.  I never had much problem shaking off all those cancelled dinner plans and ruined weekends in the past, but when my job starting causing me to miss my exercises I got really resentful.  I mean, I'm a lawyer - not a trauma surgeon or a soldier or something else important - so essentially what I do is move papers around all day so that other people can make a lot of money.  How can that be so all-encompassing that I can't even spare an hour a day to keep myself healthy?  The answer I've arrived at is "it can't".  PCP made me realize how important health and wellness are to me at this point in my life (I'll be turning 40 in September), which means if I can't balance those with my job then my job needs to change.  It really is that simple.

And that's why I put the quotes around the word "conclusion" at the beginning of this post.  I really don't feel like I have "concluded" the PCP, but rather that I am just beginning a new, healthier, happier and more fulfilling lifestyle.  The 90 day PCP was the catalyst that really showed me the difference between what was and what could be, and gave me the knowledge and the tools to carry this forward.

I guess it wouldn't be right to leave off without thanking everyone who made this possible.  For me it all starts with Fish, who was the first I know to venture down this road and show us all what was possible.  J-Blo was also crucial in his relentless badgering of me to try the PCP for myself, Andy whose post-PCP incredible hulk photo made me a believer, Bill W. who sent me a video of a Japanese zoo escape to illustrate the dangers of not being in peak condition, and Richard, James, Peter, Billy, Steve and all the others who went before me and made the PCP a reality in my mind.  Of course Rika, who tirelessly steamed vegetables so that I would have fuel to get me through each day, the rest of my PCP class who struggled through this with me, and obviously Patrick and Chen who conceived of this thing and have made it their business to help people like me discover and lead a healthier life.  How do you ever thank someone for that?

Congratulations to all the new PCP grads!  Best of luck in your post-PCP lives, and I hope to run into some of you somewhere down the line.  Current PCP'ers - keep up the good work!  And anyone considering signing up for the program -- DO IT!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Day 83 - wtf?!

Seriously?!  Only 1 week to go on the PCP?  What the hell am I going to do without Patrick feeding me my weekly diet and exercise plan?  Scary stuff...probably quite similar to how a convict feels just before being paroled.

I'm also super annoyed right now because I wanted to really kill the last 2 weeks of PCP, but then got knocked off schedule again by - you guessed it - work.  Just signed a deal, though, so now in the clear to really knock out the final week and get some momentum going before Patrick releases me back into the wild.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

DAY 76 - 2 weeks left

I'm definitely having mixed feelings as we approach the end of the PCP.  I know I've made progress since we started and can't wait to get my life back, but I also know that my work schedule knocked me off the diet/exercise routine enough times that I'm not going to get the real knock-out results that I was hoping for.  I guess that means I'll be enrolling in Kung Fu Body or something to try and take my progress to the next level (after a brief rest, of course)....but more importantly I've also realized that being healthy and fit is important to me and that not only is my current job not conducive to that lifestyle but actually a major impediment to achieving and maintaining it.  Which means I've also decided that it's time to find a job/career that will allow me to get and stay healthy and just have time to enjoy life on a daily basis and not only in brief bursts of vacation a few times a year.  Don't tell my boss.

Only 2 weeks left everyone - stay strong and let's finish the PCP with a bang!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

DAY 66 - Post-indulgence

Sorry for no update recently - once again getting buried at work.  Missed a few days of workouts as a result, but still sticking to the diet apart from my one day of indulgence.

The indulgence was interesting.  My wife's former boss from Tokyo was in town and had us over for a cookout at his house.  While I didn't hold back on eating any of the foods on offer, I did notice that I ate less portion-wise than I would have previously and also ate a much higher ratio of veggies to meat.  It was all so delicious though - grilled veggies, flank steak, chicken, refried beans, spanish rice, monkey bread and a couple of beers to wash it down.  Also had a fresh crepe with strawberries, chocolate sauce and crema fresca on top for dessert, which I normally would not have eaten (not a big sweets guy) but felt like I had to in order to get the most out of my indulgence.  Anyway, nothing really tasted or felt any differently than I remember, although it did sit in my stomach like a rock for the rest of the day as opposed to the PCP meals which seem to pass right through.

Ready for the final push.  Have to lose this damn visceral fat!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day 55 - Not much new to report

Last week was a pretty good week.  Even though I was swamped at work, I still managed to get in all the workouts with the exception of one day of leg exercises.  I also went to a birthday party last night and managed to drink only water, although it was definitely not nearly as fun as it would have been had I been able to booze it up.  I've got another busy week ahead of me this week, but am extra motivated to push through and complete everything so I won't feel at all guilty about my indulgence BBQ party on May 1.

That's it for now.  Keep up the good work everyone!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 48 - To indulge or not to indulge...

That is the question that is on my mind today after reading Patrick's email.  My first reaction was to start planning for one night of eating out with friends since that is something I usually can't do considering my dinner consists of an apple, 2 egg whites and a glass of milk.  I definitely miss the food and the carefree routine of not having to weigh everything, but when it comes down to it I think it's the social aspect of just sharing a good meal and a bottle of wine with a friend that I miss the most.  But...after fantasizing about where I would go for my indulgence - tapas? Mexican? pizza? - I remembered that my wife and I are going to a BBQ on May 1, so I think I will keep my indulgence in my pocket until then.

Just checked out the final blogs of a few friends who were in the group ahead of us and just completed their PCP.  Peter, James, Richard - well done!!  You all look great!

Seeing their final results prompted me to do an interim weigh in today to see how I'm getting along numbers-wise.  Better than I thought, actually - exactly 10 lbs lighter today than when we started 7 weeks ago.  I also notice that I feel a bit lighter and stand a bit straighter when I walk.  But still fighting to shed all the visceral fat around my midsection and get rid of these moobs... Hopefully that will be the next thing to go now that we've kicked it up into a higher gear.

Keep up the good work everyone!  It will be over before we know it!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 44 - vicious cravings

As both Patrick (email) and Robbi (blog post) noted, the PCP novelty has definitely worn off.  Although I've managed not to give in, I've had some serious cravings for food the past few days.  Pizza, fried chicken and all-I-can-eat yakiniku seem especially tempting, but it's also just a general longing to not have to think about every little thing I eat and just be able to go out and enjoy a meal (and wine) with friends.  I guess this is the PCP valley...

That said, I don't see any realistic danger of giving in, as the PCP meals have become pretty much a matter of routine by now.  And if I do reach the breaking point, I spotted a pizza place near my house that has organic, whole wheat, low fat pizza.  Probably not quite as tasty, but definitely more appealing than steamed chicken.

I feel like I'm getting better at the jumprope (was able to knock out the 1500 in 3 sets of 500), but we'll have to see how the timed sets go.  Ab exercises never fail to leave me shaking on the floor.  Feels good to burn off that belly flab, though!

Good luck everyone - almost halfway there!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day 33 - sweaty panting heap

Ugh.  I'm juggling 4 deals at work right now and it's knocked me off my workout schedule.  Missed Days 31 and 32 completely, so planning to double up both days this weekend to get back on track by Monday.  Rough start today - the jumps (not with the rope, but the other ones) and the leg lifts left me completely immobilized on the floor trying to picture my motivation person to help me muster the strength to stand back up.  Jumprope was easier, though, as I managed to knock it out in 3 sets of 300 and 1 set of 400.  The wife has friends over for a nice dinner and wine, so I've locked myself in the bedroom to write this blog post and attack the day's second set of PCP exercises.  Legs and abs...son of a bitch!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 29 - The Powerhouse

Alright, alright...under severe peer pressure my pics have been posted.  Now everyone can share in the glory of my "powerhouse".  Not sure where that term came from - I think from one of my wife's yoga or pilates DVDs - but in any case my powerhouse definitely seems to have shrunk this month.  You can really see it in the side view comparisons, and according to our trusty house scale I am now 5 lbs lighter than I was at the beginning.  So...progress!

I've been on a course of antibiotics the past ten days and the exercises were really wiping me out, but that's now finished just in time to kick the PCP up to another level.  Can't wait to see what that entails...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 22 - Back in the groove

My business trip to Thailand went well, but I am glad to be back home where I have more control over my meal choices.  I did the best I could while in Bangkok (although did have a few drinks one night), but found it oddly comforting to get up this morning and weigh out my portions or veggies, carbs, etc.  I really haven't found the food part difficult as from the start I had abandoned any sense of enjoying my meals and just viewed them as the fuel required to complete the PCP.  I definitely don't intend to "dull down" my sense of taste, so I'll be interested to see how my diet evolves after the end of PCP.  I assume we'll meet somewhere in the middle...

The exercises are getting tougher to manage from a time perspective - 1050 jumps take awhile to complete - so most days I break it up and do the strength workouts in the morning and jumprope at night.  Seems to be working ok so far.

Now that I'm back I also intend to catch up on reading everyone's blog posts and posting more frequently on mine, and I guess I need to take some 'work in progress' photos and stats to see how things have changed from Day 1.  I think we lost one member of the group, but hope everyone else is hanging in there.  Hard to believe after this week we'll be a third of the way through!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 15 - 2 weeks down

Congrats fellow PCPers - we've got 2 weeks under our belts and still going strong!  I'm on a 1 week business trip to Bangkok, but am doing my best to stick with the routine.  I brought my jump rope and resistance bands with me so keeping up with the exercise has not been a problem, but the diet is a bit trickier as I find myself in client meetings all day followed by client lunches/dinners.  Breakfast at the hotel is a bit more under my control, although I'm just eyeballing the portions.  Yesterday lunch I had a sandwich that had beef and also some kind of processed sauce on it, but the portion size was not all that big and I washed it down later with a fruit snack so I think I attoned for my deviation.  I also missed a days exercise on the plane, so mixed in the Day 14 jumps yesterday for a total of 1500...definitely feeling that in my calves this morning...

Keep up the good work everyone!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 8 - Oh, the DaVinci...........

Wow - Patrick wasn't joking about the clack-clack of the roller coaster before plummeting into full-on PCP madness.  My wings are killing me after those DaVincis this morning, and the inverse pull-ups were a bit tricky since I had to balance my doorframe pull-up bar across a couple of bar stools.  I'll definitely need to get a better system in place if those are going to stay in the rotation.

I'm actually pretty pleased with the diet portions.  I was imagining a plate with just a few tiny pieces of food on it, but for breakfast this morning I had 2 whole wheat tortillas stuffed with raw spinach, egg and leftover sauteed veggies (those will be steamed from now on) and topped with a bit of salt-free salsa.  I was pleasantly full afterwards and didn't even max out my allotted number of grams.

I didn't have time for the full exercise before work, so did the strength portions and left the 600 skips/jumps for when I get home tonight.  I can only imagine how my calves are going to feel...

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day 5

5 days down, 85 to go... I'm actually enjoying the skipping rope, but the strength exercises are making it painfully clear just how out of shape I am.  The additional set of push-ups and the increased number of sit-ups really put me in my place today.  Today was the first day I was able to knock out the exercises in the morning, which I plan to keep up.  I didn't miss any days last week, but it's tough to do this stuff after a long work day and right before climbing into bed.

I'm doing ok with the half diet, but wary of what's coming.  I'll be in Thailand for a week on business soon and not sure how easy it will be to stay compliant once we get into the strict portion control, but I plan to do my best.  It will certainly be the first time I take a skipping rope on a business trip...

Got some extra motivation from a past PCP'er in the form of a YouTube video showing a Japanese zoo drill simulating a rhinosaurus escape.  For those of you who have ever lived in Japan, it's definitely worth watching.  I miss that crazy country...

Finally got ahold of a bathroom scale and did my initial weigh-in.  177lbs (80.2kg) on Day 5, probably dropped a pound this week, so we'll call it 178lbs (81kg) on Day 1.  Either way, looking forward to watching those numbers decrease over the coming weeks.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 1

Day 1 is done and dusted.  As suspected, so far the biggest obstacle is my unpredictable work schedule, which prevented me from getting in my Day 1 workout until just before I went to bed.  I'm going to try to get into a pattern where I get up an hour early to knock out the workout before going to the office as that should minimize the chances of disruption.  So far, so good on the half diet, although there were a few hours in the afternoon where I felt pretty hungry.  I'll try to post my Day 1 pics tonight after work.

Monday, February 28, 2011