Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 22 - Back in the groove

My business trip to Thailand went well, but I am glad to be back home where I have more control over my meal choices.  I did the best I could while in Bangkok (although did have a few drinks one night), but found it oddly comforting to get up this morning and weigh out my portions or veggies, carbs, etc.  I really haven't found the food part difficult as from the start I had abandoned any sense of enjoying my meals and just viewed them as the fuel required to complete the PCP.  I definitely don't intend to "dull down" my sense of taste, so I'll be interested to see how my diet evolves after the end of PCP.  I assume we'll meet somewhere in the middle...

The exercises are getting tougher to manage from a time perspective - 1050 jumps take awhile to complete - so most days I break it up and do the strength workouts in the morning and jumprope at night.  Seems to be working ok so far.

Now that I'm back I also intend to catch up on reading everyone's blog posts and posting more frequently on mine, and I guess I need to take some 'work in progress' photos and stats to see how things have changed from Day 1.  I think we lost one member of the group, but hope everyone else is hanging in there.  Hard to believe after this week we'll be a third of the way through!


  1. Wow, thanks for pointing out that we are approaching the 'one third' benchmark.

    I also tend to break up my exercises on busy days, but I hate having the jumps hanging over me and tend to do them first.

    Happy picture taking!

  2. Hey mate - post the photos so Patrick can see them and prescribe your diet. I cannot believe our group is ending soon. Man, you should see me.. kicking past 7 belt sizes.. Keep at it mate - the effects you will get are an accumalation of the total.. so keep at it. (Say hi to Rika!!).

  3. Yeah man, where the hell are your photos.
