Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 29 - The Powerhouse

Alright, alright...under severe peer pressure my pics have been posted.  Now everyone can share in the glory of my "powerhouse".  Not sure where that term came from - I think from one of my wife's yoga or pilates DVDs - but in any case my powerhouse definitely seems to have shrunk this month.  You can really see it in the side view comparisons, and according to our trusty house scale I am now 5 lbs lighter than I was at the beginning.  So...progress!

I've been on a course of antibiotics the past ten days and the exercises were really wiping me out, but that's now finished just in time to kick the PCP up to another level.  Can't wait to see what that entails...


  1. Very obvious improvement! Keep it up :-)

  2. WOW!! Look at your weight loss! I am impressed :)

    I just got on antibiotics... my work out was Ssslllooowww going.


    Dude, that first side-view shot is impressive, not sure why you would want to get rid of that....

  4. Those first 6.5 pounds of fat loss (and that's what you've lost taking into account muscle growth) are your "gimmie" pounds. Easy to put on and easy to shed. The last 20 are the killers. Gird your loins BRO!

  5. I take antibiotics like candy, soooo good. Nice half keg you got working there Jefferson, wait till it gets down to a six pack...
